Conclusion of a Memorandum of Unerstanding on Scientific-Educational Cooperation Between the University of Tehran and the House of Industry, Mine and Trade of East Azerbaijan Youth
This scientific-educational cooperation memorandum was concluded for the first time in the country between Tehran University’s School of Management and Samat Youth House of the province. Scientific, educational, research, and executive are available. Considering the capabilities of the parties, the main topics of cooperation are defined as follows:
- Carrying out the applied research requested by the East Azerbaijan Youth Sanity house
- Conducting training courses and issuing course completion certificates for participants from schools
- Holding joint scientific conferences and seminars and providing the logo of the parties
- Cooperation of schools in providing financial advice to the industrial and mining units of the province
- Financial support for student dissertations and theses related to industry and mining issues in the province
Memorandum of Understanding between the House of Industry, Mine and Trade of East Azerbaijan Youth and Sahand University of Technology
The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and the inauguration of the joint room between the House of Industry, Mining, and Trade of East Azerbaijan Youth and Sahand University of Technology, aiming at continuous interaction with universities and scientific centers, took place on September 1, 2023, in the presence of Dr. Khatibi, Deputy Minister of Science, Research, and Technology along with his accompanying delegation, Dr. Fatehi Far, President of Sahand University of Technology, several members of the House of Industry, Mining, and Trade of East Azerbaijan Youth, as well as some important and influential industrial activists of the country and the province.